Live Recorded Frame Drum Workshop Traditional Dance Rhythms
Baladi Inspirations with Miranda Rondeau


PRE-REQUISITE - Introduction or equavilent. Know names of strokes, how to play them, how to play patterns, how to play upon hearing pattern recited and read simple drum notation.


Join to learn and play popular dance rhythms often used for bellydancers.
We'll look at the core rhythm structure of 3 patterns that share the same structure.
Recognizing the structure we will play with creating variations and
create other melodic lines.

Variations will be created with fill-ins as well as prompts.

Opening song
Rhythm Structure
3 traditional rhythm patterns
Create variations and fill-ins
Simple embellishments
Touch of improv
Touch of vocal weavings
Pattern combining

Miranda Rondeau is an internationally recognized devotional singer, musician, and frame drum artist. She has been teaching the craft since 1999, as encouraged by her late teacher Layne Redmond, author of the seminal book, When the Drummers Were Women. Miranda has created and teaches a repertoire of frame drum "circle songs" as a way of sacred remembrance. She performs in a ceremonial context, playing for rites of passage and communal bonding.She performed together with her students for house recitals, and public events.Miranda has taught in Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Canada and throughout California.She taught at The Asheville Percussion Festival and has performed at Tamburi Mundi Frame Drum Festival, International Biblical Frame Drum Festival, North American Frame Drum Festival, California and the First American Frame Drum Gathering.

She's continued her studies with various global frame drum teachers and is currently studying with Yshai Afterman.

Miranda created and maintains the online presence for “Women Frame Drumming,” dedicated to Layne Redmond.

She is dedicated in reclaiming the frame drum as a sacred tool of remembrance